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Christmas Around the World

Nativity Showcase

December 12 & 19, 2020

Everyone who has a nativity scene (creche) that is unusual (Peanuts themed, dog themed, cat themed) or from another country, is being asked to donate it for display in our Christmas Around the World Nativity Showcase display, being held Dec. 12 & 19. 


Our hope is to provide interesting, Christ-centered activities for the whole family and for the community.  This is part of our mission strategy to “Make Christ Known to All” by breaking down the wall between us and the community.  


Your help to make this an inviting, interesting, and educational event is NEEDED!  


Let the church office know what you’re able to provide - a nativity scene, write-ups on different countries’ traditions, Christmas CD’s to play while visitors walk through the building, the history of your nativity set, etc.


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