This is us…
At Lutheran Church of the Resurrection (LCR), members come from a variety of church traditions as well as non-churched lives. In a world filled with digital communities, we provide face-to-face community based on the principals, teachings, and spiritual disciplines of Jesus the Christ. Gathering to worship, learn, serve and care for the world God provides, our mission is to Make Christ Known to All through our lives at work, at play, at church, and at home.
You are welcome whether you’re Lutheran or not. Whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, Socialist, or just fed-up, you are welcome. You are welcome if you’re of Latin descent, Euro descent, African descent, Asian descent, First nations, or a beautiful variety of all. You are welcome whether you’re gay, straight, bi, trans, asexual, queer, femme or questioning. You are welcome whether you’re single, married, partnered, with children or without. You are welcome if you are sight-challenged, hearing-challenged and differently-abled. You are welcome if you have faith, need faith, or lost faith.
Whatever your life journey has brought you, you are welcome here among a flawed, but loving community of faith, seeking to change the world from the inside out.
LCR is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, part of a global communion of 65 million Christians.
(For a glimpse at Lutherans around the world, click here) link to lutheranworld.org
LCR has been serving the Oak Forest and neighboring communities since 1963. We are evangelical Lutherans, which means that our focus is on proclaiming the Gospel, and that our ministry is in continuity with the Reformation in 16th Century Europe. We acknowledge our ecumenical ties, including the Roman Catholic church with which we share a heritage, and our "cousins" of the Reformed and Anglican traditions.
Lutheran congregations in the United States are separately incorporated, calling their own pastors from the roster of the larger church, owning their own property, and determining their own future through participation of the voting members of the congregation. The church's constitution outlines our purpose, confession of faith, and organizational structure.