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Ministry of Discipleship

The Great Commission is set forth in Matthew 28: “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” The Ministry of Discipleship brings this Commission to life at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection by engaging the congregation in the study of God’s Word, by building relationships with each other in the Word and in living our faith by actively serving others as disciples for today.


  • Youth Group, Ages 15-18.  The youth of our congregation meet to discuss their role in the congregation and in the community, and how we can make our message of Making Christ Known to All part of our lives. 

       We organize an Egg hunt at the Spring craft fair and a craft 

       table for youngsters attending the Fall craft fair. Youth also 

       have the opportunity to attend an ELCA-sponsored           

       youth gathering held every two years in a major US city; part of

       their time is spent in service to that community.  Fundraisers     

       for this trip are held in the two years preceding this function.


  • Parish Education

  1. Confirmation. Tenets of our faith are taught to eighth grade students in an effort to complete full membership in the church. Classes generally take place during the school year and are usually held on one weekday evening.  Students take an active part in worship.

  2. Children’s Church takes place during Sunday worship services from just before the Sermon through Communion.  We teach children ages 3 through 7 about Jesus using simple crafts and bible readings that correlate with that Sunday’s lesson. Children then complete worship with their parent(s).

  3. Bible Studies. A Working Woman’s Worship bible study has been established and meets on the second Saturday of each month at 1:00 pm.  We study one book of the Bible and  delve into the teachings and history of the Bible and women’s roles in the formation of our faith. Adult bible study also takes place on Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings throughout the year.  Each sequence of studies has a theme, such as a particular Gospel or other book of the Bible.

  4. Vacation Bible School – Children ages pre-K through 5th grade are taught about Jesus and the Bible each morning from 9am to noon for one week each summer. Crafts, games, Bible stories and simple songs are presented in a theme, such as carnival, safari, or Journey to Egypt to make learning fun. 6th graders and up act as guides for the younger children.

  5. Sarah Circle – Monthly meetings are held on second Thursday mornings, except during summer months.  They study contemporary Christian living topics and specific books of the Bible and other Christian publications


  • Pre-School – Our freestanding Pre-School Board also reports to this ministry.


Those serving in this ministry are gifted with patience, teaching ability, creativity, and a natural ability to relate to children of all ages.

Servant Camp
Sarah Circle
Children's Church
LCR Pre-School
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