Ministry of Social Action
The mission of our church is making "Making Christ Known To All", and this mission is reflected in the purpose of the Social Action Ministry. We undertake activities that extend into the community to evidence the caring and love of Jesus Christ to underserved and unserved populations. Where there is a social need or justice issue we have identified as a project, we encourage congregational participation so that recipients are aware of God’s love and care for them.
Our team meets monthly to discuss both past and ongoing projects, and we identify future projects that stretch our faith and outreach to others. Past projects have included:
Pinwheels for the Prevention of Child Abuse (each April). Funds raised from the sale of these items go directly to child abuse preventive organizations.
**Memorial Day. Each year, a presentation wreath has been made for the Oak Forest city hall ceremonial observations. We include names of military members and their relatives from our church that have died after service to this country.
**Christmas. We partner with various social service organizations providing services for the underprivileged to provide Christmas remembrances to children and adults in need.
Bottle caps and lids. We collected these to donate to a school for recycling in a school project to build a bench or picnic table for school grounds – a lasting reminder of our love and caring in Christ’s image.
PADS. We have been and will continue to assist PADS (a service for the homeless} monthly by cooking and serving meals at a shelter.
Members of this team are gifted with compassion, caring, communication skills, and social needs awareness.