
Leni Shandou - Office Manager
The Office Manager is a key position in the organizational structure of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection (LCR). It is the front line of both our mission and ministry, and sets the tone for all interactions with the church.
The role is one of hospitality, and oversight with duties like maintaining the church calendar and database, and being responsible for church communications both within and outside the church. Other duties include publishing our church's newsletter, creating graphics and flyers for events, and supporting our church leadership and ministry leaders in their ministry needs. I am also responsible for updating and maintaining the church website.
I grew up in Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean after living in several different countries with my Diplomat parents. I love to learn, and have degrees in Business Administration, Marketing, Public Relations, and speak 5 languages. I have two grown children who currently live in Cyprus and 2 adorable black cats, Shadow & Luna, who make my days better even with all the cat hair... My hobbies include reading, traveling and learning something new whenever I can.