Anna Ohren - Ministry of Discipleship
The minister of discipleship at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection is the minister who oversees the religious education of our members, which includes confirmation class, children’s church/ Sunday school, VBS, Bible Study, youth group and preschool.
I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy from Loyola University of Chicago (1987). I am married to Steven Ohren, a proud mother of three children, Susan (Nick) Buroff, Alex Baggio and Roy Baggio, Jr. (RJ), and grandmother of two, Caleb and Theodore (Teddy) Buroff. I started my path towards religious education teaching 1st grade catechism in the late 1980’s at St. Rocco Catholic Church in Chicago Heights, where I was born and raised in the Catholic faith. The church closed in 1990 and after many twists and turns, the Holy Spirit led me to LCR. I missed teaching about Jesus and the impact he has in our lives, so I began to teach confirmation class, help with children’s church and I also became the Youth Minister here at LCR.
As my passion grew, I saw a need for the working women of our congregation to meet, pray and learn about God on a monthly basis, so I started the first bible study for working women, Working Women’s Worship (WWW). The inexplicable joy that I feel teaching about Jesus, delving into His Word and the history of the Bible, fills my soul with wonder, humility and peace. The passion I have for my faith and teaching it to others is exciting for me. I love seeing the look on the children’s faces as we explore Jesus’ life and words and sharing that same excitement with our women, when we explore how the Word of God relates to our lives and those around us. Though this ministry, I have discovered my passion, my spiritual gifts and myself. I feel honored and blessed to have the opportunity to explore, learn, teach and share this passion with others.